非常好用的 BBcode 扩展。
https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/exte ... bcode_box/
Advanced BBCode Box v3.2.2
###### 以下为“基本的提问格式” ######
###### 以下为“基本的提问格式” ######
- 主机操作系统: Windows (XP, 7, 8, 10)、Linux(Redhat,Centos, Mandrake等等)、或者其他的(请务必注明版本)
- 快速架站程序: AppServ、XAMPP 等等(请务必注明版本号)
- 您的上网方式:ADSL、Cable、FTTB等等 (请务必留下 ISP 名称或 ISP 官网)
- 您安装的程序: Apache + php + MySQL 或者其他的组合 (请务必留下版本号,如果使用上面的快速架站程序就不必写了)
- 您的 phpBB 版本: phpBB 3.2.2
- 您的域名: 比如 phpbbchinese.com
- 您的 phpBB 网址: 比如 https://www.phpbbchinese.com/
- 安装扩展: 请注明安装扩展的名称,版本以及参考链接(非扩展问题免填)
- 安装风格: 请注明安装的风格名称,版本以及参考链接(非风格问题免填)
- 错误代码: 请使用 Code 标签将错误代码标识出来,如下:
代码: 全选
- 错误状态:如果没有错误代码,请直接贴出截图,或者是详细叙述错误状态内容。
Re: Advanced BBCode Box
更新到最新的 v3.2.1 已经包含简体中文语言。
### 3.2.1 - 2018-06-07
- Improved BBvideo's compatibility with phpBB Media Embed PlugIn extension. For best results, install phpBB Media Embed Plugin extension to have the ability to manage which sites area allowed and to control parsing plain URLs.
- ABBC3 now has a BBCode entry in the ACP for the Pipe Tables plugin. This way you can arrange where you want the Pipe Tables BBCode to appear in the BBCode bar. You may also choose to not display the Pipe Table BBCode on the posting page, or you can delete the BBCode to remove the Pipe Tables functionality.
- Fixed an issue since 3.2.0 where deleting the `[BBvideo]` and `[hidden]` BBCodes did not stop them from still being *secretly* available to continue being used. Now, if they get deleted, they are functionally gone (unless you completely reinstall ABBC3).
## 3.2.0 - 2018-01-20
- Documentation for Advanced BBCodes added to the BBCode FAQ page
- Added Tables support in posts (using s9e/TextFormatter's Pipe Tables plugin)
- Compatible with phpBB Media Embed extension, added a BBCode button for [MEDIA] tag.
- [BBvideo] deprecated:
- BBvideo is now an alias for the [MEDIA] tag, part of the Media Embed feature bundled with phpBB (you do NOT need to install phpBB Media Embed extension to work).
- Many more sites and media services are supported through the Media Embed feature bundled with phpBB.
- Many old BBVideo exclusive sites are no longer supported (most of which are dead and gone anyways). `5min.com, allocine.fr, clipfish.de, clipmoon.com, cnet.com, colbertnation.com, crackle.com, dotsub.com, ebaumsworld.com, g4tv.com, gameprotv.com, howcast.com, maker.tv, moddb.com, mpora.com, myspace.com, myvideo.de, on.aol.com, photobucket.com, sapo.pt, screenr.com, snotr.com, spike.com, streetfire.net, thedailyshow.cc.com, tu.tv, tudou.com, viddler.com, videogamer.com, `
- Custom video sizing is no longer available. phpBB's bundled Media embedding has predetermined hard-coded video sizes.
- Raw URLs for compatible media sites will automatically be converted into content even without being wrapped in the BBvideo tag.
- The original URLs will no longer be displayed if they can be converted to embedded content.
- All Posts and PM's will be re-parsed after updating, over time using CRON jobs to fix broken posts with BBvideos.
- Incompatible BBvideos will remain broken (sorry 'bout that, but moving on usually means leaving old stuff behind).
- Improved align BBCode when used on non-text like images, videos, etc.
- Show AJAX loading indicators while loading BBCode wizards
- Improved ABBC3 deletion. Now if you delete ABBC3, all the BBCodes it installed will no longer be displayed on the posting pages, returning the BBCodes toolbar to the default appearance. You may then choose to manually display or delete each of the BBCodes in the ACP Posting page.
- Internal improvements for phpBB 3.2 and 3.3
- End of compatibility for phpBB 3.1
- Added Vietnamese translation
### 3.2.1 - 2018-06-07
- Improved BBvideo's compatibility with phpBB Media Embed PlugIn extension. For best results, install phpBB Media Embed Plugin extension to have the ability to manage which sites area allowed and to control parsing plain URLs.
- ABBC3 now has a BBCode entry in the ACP for the Pipe Tables plugin. This way you can arrange where you want the Pipe Tables BBCode to appear in the BBCode bar. You may also choose to not display the Pipe Table BBCode on the posting page, or you can delete the BBCode to remove the Pipe Tables functionality.
- Fixed an issue since 3.2.0 where deleting the `[BBvideo]` and `[hidden]` BBCodes did not stop them from still being *secretly* available to continue being used. Now, if they get deleted, they are functionally gone (unless you completely reinstall ABBC3).
## 3.2.0 - 2018-01-20
- Documentation for Advanced BBCodes added to the BBCode FAQ page
- Added Tables support in posts (using s9e/TextFormatter's Pipe Tables plugin)
- Compatible with phpBB Media Embed extension, added a BBCode button for [MEDIA] tag.
- [BBvideo] deprecated:
- BBvideo is now an alias for the [MEDIA] tag, part of the Media Embed feature bundled with phpBB (you do NOT need to install phpBB Media Embed extension to work).
- Many more sites and media services are supported through the Media Embed feature bundled with phpBB.
- Many old BBVideo exclusive sites are no longer supported (most of which are dead and gone anyways). `5min.com, allocine.fr, clipfish.de, clipmoon.com, cnet.com, colbertnation.com, crackle.com, dotsub.com, ebaumsworld.com, g4tv.com, gameprotv.com, howcast.com, maker.tv, moddb.com, mpora.com, myspace.com, myvideo.de, on.aol.com, photobucket.com, sapo.pt, screenr.com, snotr.com, spike.com, streetfire.net, thedailyshow.cc.com, tu.tv, tudou.com, viddler.com, videogamer.com, `
- Custom video sizing is no longer available. phpBB's bundled Media embedding has predetermined hard-coded video sizes.
- Raw URLs for compatible media sites will automatically be converted into content even without being wrapped in the BBvideo tag.
- The original URLs will no longer be displayed if they can be converted to embedded content.
- All Posts and PM's will be re-parsed after updating, over time using CRON jobs to fix broken posts with BBvideos.
- Incompatible BBvideos will remain broken (sorry 'bout that, but moving on usually means leaving old stuff behind).
- Improved align BBCode when used on non-text like images, videos, etc.
- Show AJAX loading indicators while loading BBCode wizards
- Improved ABBC3 deletion. Now if you delete ABBC3, all the BBCodes it installed will no longer be displayed on the posting pages, returning the BBCodes toolbar to the default appearance. You may then choose to manually display or delete each of the BBCodes in the ACP Posting page.
- Internal improvements for phpBB 3.2 and 3.3
- End of compatibility for phpBB 3.1
- Added Vietnamese translation
- 附件
- vse_abbc3_3.2.1.zip
- (261.1 KiB) 已下载 946 次
- 新注册用户
- 帖子: 2
- 注册时间: 2019年1月16日 15:31
Re: Advanced BBCode Box v3.2.1
我用的php3.2.5,怎么安装Advanced BBCode Box 3.2.1?
论坛网站: forum.xxx.com/
Advanced BBCode Box 3.2.1要放在哪个位置?
论坛网站: forum.xxx.com/
Advanced BBCode Box 3.2.1要放在哪个位置?
Re: Advanced BBCode Box v3.2.1
你的论坛网址太 cool 了。chinese2019 写了: ↑2019年1月16日 15:52 我用的php3.2.5,怎么安装Advanced BBCode Box 3.2.1?
论坛网站: forum.xxx.com/
Advanced BBCode Box 3.2.1要放在哪个位置?
从 phpBB 的扩展数据库中下载/或者你信赖的地方下载。
解压缩,并上传到您的 phpBB 论坛的 ext/ 文件夹
- 注册用户
- 帖子: 9
- 注册时间: 2018年12月30日 19:44
Re: Advanced BBCode Box v3.2.2
3.2.2 - 04-29-2019
BBCode URL/BBVideo Wizard is now a modal/overlay, to solve some issues where it might have been obscured from view.
Ensure BBVideos are sorted alphabetically in the BBCode Wizard's examples drop down menu.
Added Slovak translation.
Additional minor code improvements.
BBCode URL/BBVideo Wizard is now a modal/overlay, to solve some issues where it might have been obscured from view.
Ensure BBVideos are sorted alphabetically in the BBCode Wizard's examples drop down menu.
Added Slovak translation.
Additional minor code improvements.
- 附件
- vse_abbc3_3.2.2.zip
- (263.8 KiB) 已下载 850 次