
有关测试版的 phpBB 3.2.X 系列 话题
帖子: 1450
注册时间: 2015年11月19日 01:50


帖子 davidyin »

[PHPBB3-6466] - Permission Role Tooltips do not display in Safari

[PHPBB3-7187] - Quote smilies error

[PHPBB3-7275] - Custom bbodes trim('${1}')

[PHPBB3-8064] - forum author sort not using username_clean

[PHPBB3-8419] - custom tag eats up space character

[PHPBB3-8420] - emoticon removes space before itself when using preview

[PHPBB3-8613] - BBCode_uid- and censor-bug

[PHPBB3-9073] - Word censoring in URLs

[PHPBB3-9109] - Maximum allowed recepients restriction precedence

[PHPBB3-9377] - Custom BB Code Nesting

[PHPBB3-10002] - (incomplete) BBCode usage of
- and
  • - forces closing
- and
-s, ultimately breaking HTML/Design

[PHPBB3-10388] - Template engine should use json_encode() to properly escape JS properties

[PHPBB3-10572] - Unguarded includes in acp/

[PHPBB3-10989] - Bug in BBCode

[PHPBB3-11444] - Unnecessary notify column in phpbb_user_notifications table

[PHPBB3-11967] - Notification settings are not respected

[PHPBB3-12143] - Untranslated group name from index if not special group

[PHPBB3-12195] - Double-slash URLs not supported

[PHPBB3-12387] - mysqli_free_result is called with false value

[PHPBB3-12554] - Quotes do not display correctly as list elements

[PHPBB3-12698] - Replace all instances of magic numbers with constants in javascript

[PHPBB3-12957] - The template engine is not constructed properly in install/index

[PHPBB3-12974] - Update nightly version of develop to 3.2.0-a1-dev

[PHPBB3-13101] - Remove WLM contact from profile

[PHPBB3-13238] - \phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\mysql_fulltext_drop tries to drop non existent indexes

[PHPBB3-13359] - Develop tests fail due to wrong template set up in tests

[PHPBB3-13362] - The whole cache dir (excluding the .htaccess and index.html files) should be ignored by git

[PHPBB3-13371] - Lang vars not loaded during install process

[PHPBB3-13372] - Environment Bug - Routing broken for extensions

[PHPBB3-13377] - Function decode_message() incorrectly decodes www type URLs

[PHPBB3-13425] - Smiley code at start of text being quoted doesn't show smiley image in quote

[PHPBB3-13513] - Mixed routing file paths in the router

[PHPBB3-13555] - Poll options preview rendered incorrectly by <br /> collision

[PHPBB3-13619] - Remove unneeded folders/files from vendor folder in release package

[PHPBB3-13638] - INCLUDECSS and INCLUDEJS Broken in 3.2

[PHPBB3-13670] - Fix fatal function name must be a string in functional tests

[PHPBB3-13680] - Notification for a quote within a quote

[PHPBB3-13718] - Spambot countermeasures/CAPTCHA admin panel won't load

[PHPBB3-13749] - Add missing slash to base uri in helper route tests

[PHPBB3-13766] - Missing style_parent_id in textformater's data_access::get_styles()

[PHPBB3-13769] - bin/phpbbcli.php ignores PHPBB_ENVIRONMENT constant from config.php

[PHPBB3-13772] - Error in @param variable type for phpbb\passwords\manager

[PHPBB3-13782] - ACM null caching driver class is named with the reserved word 'null'

[PHPBB3-13792] - Travis fails installing hhvm-nigthly

[PHPBB3-13814] - phpbb_is_writable() method of the new filesystem class truncates files

[PHPBB3-13825] - create_thumbnail() incorrectly calls phpbb\filesystem::phpbb_chmod

[PHPBB3-13828] - Rename null driver to dummy for PHP7 compatibility in tests

[PHPBB3-13829] - Router requires cache directory to be writable

[PHPBB3-13839] - Failing test when the phpBB root directory isn't named phpbb

[PHPBB3-13849] - Development environment broken

[PHPBB3-13860] - Array to string conversion in parser service

[PHPBB3-13871] - Call to a member function realpath() on a non-object in functions.php on line 3474

[PHPBB3-13875] - Lint test should ignore cache, ext, and store folder

[PHPBB3-13890] - Failling tests in master

[PHPBB3-13896] - Coding style issue in master

[PHPBB3-13897] - Non-existent environment causes fatal error

[PHPBB3-13906] - BBCodes in signatures are not correctly parsed in post preview

[PHPBB3-13990] - Reparse markup inside of forum rules/description

[PHPBB3-13993] - Signature Editing Broken

[PHPBB3-14008] - Do not add a user_id value to quotes from guests

[PHPBB3-14033] - Correct docblock errors

[PHPBB3-14034] - Fix reparser names that contain "text_reparser" in the middle

[PHPBB3-14036] - Replace path_helper with a mock

[PHPBB3-14052] - New installer - The commands are not translated

[PHPBB3-14074] - Not possible to clear notification (mark as read)

[PHPBB3-14076] - Notifications settings are not correctly handled when a non default setting is set

[PHPBB3-14078] - Notification related sql general error on submission of editing post

[PHPBB3-14079] - Cannot mark notification as read from the dropdown

[PHPBB3-14094] - Current master branch is getting segmentation fault error on PHP 7 tests

[PHPBB3-14128] - Image posting overflow regression

[PHPBB3-14137] - Fix Notification Menu Settings spacing issue caused by new jump-box improvements

[PHPBB3-14138] - Use span tags instead of abbr tags in the footer

[PHPBB3-14165] - Fix layout of ucp/mcp after 14139

[PHPBB3-14178] - Installer database helper tests fail if sqlite3 is not present

[PHPBB3-14180] - Use unix line ending in files classes tests

[PHPBB3-14182] - Move the v310\notifications_board migration to v320\notifications_board

[PHPBB3-14183] - Remove deprecated max-device-width

[PHPBB3-14193] - Custom BBCode Buttons Broken

[PHPBB3-14194] - Responsive Quick Links Menu Broken

[PHPBB3-14195] - Plupload Attachments Not Quite Working

[PHPBB3-14199] - We need to hide icons from screen readers

[PHPBB3-14202] - Add missing sr-only classes to icons

[PHPBB3-14216] - Do not run thumbnail test if gd is not enabled

[PHPBB3-14221] - Fix viewforum header issue

[PHPBB3-14222] - ACP users page tries to cast deactivated_super_global to int

[PHPBB3-14225] - Inject the resolver in routing loaders when using them

[PHPBB3-14230] - Unread posts' icons don't have different color in viewtopic

[PHPBB3-14234] - Do not use references in trigger_event()

[PHPBB3-14235] - Font Awesome not available with simple_header.html

[PHPBB3-14240] - Always include all config files in the update package

[PHPBB3-14274] - New installer has weak inclusion of user functions

[PHPBB3-14277] - Don't use user_id in migrations as it is not defined

[PHPBB3-14278] - Don't use user_id in installer if not available
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