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几种 git workflow

发表于 : 2018年12月6日 07:23
Git Workflow 是为了更好的使用 Git 来完成项目或者生产的需要,所采取的一种方法。

常见的几种 Git Workflow
  • Centralized Workflow
  • Feature branching
  • Gitflow Workflow
  • Forking Workflow

Gitflow Workflow

发表于 : 2018年12月6日 07:25
Some key takeaways to know about Gitflow are:
  • The workflow is great for a release-based software workflow.
  • Gitflow offers a dedicated channel for hotfixes to production.

The overall flow of Gitflow is:
  1. A develop branch is created from master
  2. A release branch is created from develop
  3. Feature branches are created from develop
  4. When a feature is complete it is merged into the develop branch
  5. When the release branch is done it is merged into develop and master
  6. If an issue in master is detected a hotfix branch is created from master
  7. Once the hotfix is complete it is merged to both develop and master